Protect yourself and your loved ones

Personal Wishes/Gifts/Accounts

Have you ever wondered what happens the day after you die?  I don’t mean heavenly rewards or, of course, what will it be like for you?  But rather…

What will it be like for your family and friends?

Will they be able to mourn in comfort and peace?

To enjoy pleasant memories and celebrate your life?

Undeniably at the time of your death, your family will need access to your funeral/memorial wishes. Secondly, they will need access to individual gifts and messages. Thirdly, they will need access to specific personal accounts. So, providing a list of locations and contacts is very important.

This is where planning becomes crucial and equally appreciated.

Funeral/Memorial Preferences

Without a doubt, your personal information about funeral homes or memorial preferences will be foremost on your loved ones’ minds.  Furthermore, this info ensures that the necessary arrangements can be swiftly and smoothly made, reducing stress during an already emotional time. Therefore, you must share your plans with the family.

Biographical info/Obituary

Not surprisingly many people are writing their obituary drafts allowing their family to celebrate their life in a manner that truly reflects their essence.  Additionally, biographical information is not always known by families such as persons predeceasing them, former residences or jobs, education, awards, military service, etc.  Your loved ones will be thankful for the personal information at this difficult time.

​Cherished Letters to family and friends

Equally, letters to family and friends can convey your final thoughts and sentiments, creating a lasting connection with those you care about.  Thereupon, you may assign small tokens to show your love for them without outside handling.  

Personal gifts in writing and notarized

Specific gifts can be handled without going through your will which keeps them out of probate and private.  Additionally, you can include a notarized letter for the recipient to avoid any further complications.  

Location of and access to important documents

Don’t hide important documents.  It just isn’t a good idea.

I have a really good story for you. A  woman I knew developed brain cancer.  She was a bit of a hoarder as well. Of course, she couldn’t remember where she put some crucial documents.  Consequently, after her death, it took weeks to find them in a fire-safe box under the water heater.

Accordingly, use a bank-safe deposit box, a fire-proof home safe, or another location such as an attorney’s or accountant’s office.  And again, share all personal information with a trusted person.

Access to Safety Deposit Boxes, Home Safes, etc.

Banks are very particular about giving access to safety deposit boxes.  Unfortunately, a Power of Attorney doesn’t always work.  Check with your bank for the exact process to avoid long legal processing.  And, be sure to leave information regarding location and access to home and business safes with the person(s) you have designated.

Access to Digital accounts/passwords

Managing digital accounts and passwords is increasingly important in our digital age, as it simplifies settling online matters. Subsequently, some accounts require you to indicate a beneficiary.  For example, some cell phone companies allow you to name a Legacy Contact. It’s easy to do through your provider settings.  Furthermore, you should also have a designated person on your social media accounts. I recommend giving access to someone you trust to delete or cancel any personal information online.

I’m going to discuss Intellectual Property on a later page.  

What Happens the Day After You Die?